/Pub Bestuur

/Pub Bestuur

Since the year 2019, the /Pub is being run by 6 students who form the /Pub Board, which is a part-time Board. The main task of this Board is being in charge of the /Pub. This is done in collaboration with W.I.S.V. 'Christiaan Huygens'. This is why the /Pub Board consists of 3 members of the ETV and 3 members of CH. This year, 2020, the second /Pub Board has been installed. The Board takes care of the payment methods, communications with one of the largest multinational drinks and brewing company, beer supply, organising various activities, and everything else regarding running a bar. One of the most important things that the Board makes sure of is that the students and employees of EEMCS, but also all other students of the TU Delft, have a place to have a drink and meet other people. This improves the well-being of a whole generation of students, the generation that will run the future. Furthermore, the Board provides a place to organise events like graduation drinks.

/Pub Bestuur contains the following members

  • Noud (HJ) Lindeman

    3. Penningmeester
  • Twan (Antwanius Wilhelmus Gerardus) Spierings

    4. Commissaris Inventaris
  • Matthijs Spijker

    6. Commissaris Onderhoud