Contact information
- General phone
- +31 (0)15 278 6189
- Company phone
- +31 (0)15 278 1399
- Education phone
- +31 (0)15 278 1363
- General email
- Company email
- Education email
Electrotechnische Vereeniging
Faculteit Elektrotechniek, Wiskunde en Informatica
Mekelweg 4
2628 CD Delft
Further info
KVK-number: 40397067
IBAN: NL50 ABNA 0439 6490 56 t.a.v. ETV
Information for companies
Are you interested in collaboration with the Electrotechnische Vereeniging? If so, please contact the Commissioner of External Affairs of the current Board. This can be done via mail to, or by calling +31 (0)15 278 1399.
Possibilities for sponsoring are amongst others during the anniversary of the association, in our periodical or our yearbook and on our website. We also do excursions, a study tour and lunch lectures.
By car
From The Hague and Rotterdam: A13, exit Delft-Zuid, follow TU Delft. Then, follow instructions for Faculty EWI. The faculty is the large red-blue building.
Public Transport
The latest information to plan a trip with public transport can be found on