
Dear members,

It is an honour and pleasure to announce the sixth General Assembly on the 21st of March at 17:30 in the Snijderzaal.

The preliminary agenda is as follows:

1. Opening
2. Approval of the Definitive Agenda
3. Approval Minutes General Assembly of 2nd of April 2019
4. Announcements
5. Mail
6. Education Announcements
7. Financial results, report audit committee report and discharge EOW Committee 36
8. Installation and budget EOW Committee 37
9. Financial results, audit committee report and discharge Study Tour Committee
10.  Financial results, audit committee report and discharge Electrip Committee
11. Financial results, audit committee report and discharge WeeCo
12. Financial results, audit committee report and discharge EESTEC Committee
13. Installation Study Tour Committee
14. Discharge wAkCie
15. Installation zAkCie
16. Compensation for Board concerning new distribution Graduation Support Scheme (RAS) months.
17. Budget ETVehicle
18. Any Other Business
19. Survey
20. Closing

With kind regards,

Laurens Vergroesen

President of the 147th board of the Electrotechnische Vereeniging

Dear members,

The first week of the fourth quarter is already over and everyone is studying again. To make sure the last quarter goes well the whole Board wil have a big cleanup day this thursday the 2nd of May. De boardroom will be closed the whole day. Of course we will not forget our members and you will be able to get coffee and tea in the meeting room.

With kind regards,

Laurens Vergroesen

President of the 147th board of the Electrotechnische Vereeniging

Dear members,

It is an honour and pleasure to announce the fifth General Assembly on the 2nd of March at 17:00 in the Snijderzaal.

The preliminary agenda is as follows:

1. Opening
2. Approval of the Definitive Agenda
3. Approval Minutes General Assembly of 5th of March 2019
4. Announcements
5. Mail
6. Education Announcements
7. Nomination Honorary members of the Board
8. ETVoertuig
9. Installation en budget Sail committee
10. Stunt budget
11. Chockers Honorary members of the Board
12. Financial results, report audit committee and discharge Rally Committee
13. Budget 113th Dies committee
14. Installation and budget Rally Committee
15. Any Other Business
16. Survey
17. Closing

With kind regards,

Laurens Vergroesen

President of the 147th board of the Electrotechnische Vereeniging

Dear members,

It is an honour and pleasure to announce the third General Assembly on 5th of March in the Studieverzameling.

The preliminary agenda is as follows:

1. Opening
2. Approval of the Definitive Agenda
3. Approval Minutes General Assembly of 17th of January 2019
4. Announcements
5. Mail
6. Education Announcements
7. Half-yearly financial report
8. Write off old debts
9. Budget Parentsday
10. Installation and Budget Jaarboek Committee
11. Financial results and report audit committee Rally Committee
12. Installation Rally Committee
13. Mutation Barcommittee
14. Any Other Business
15. Survey
16. Closing

With kind regards,

Laurens Vergroesen

President of the 147th board of the Electrotechnische Vereeniging

Dear ETV'er,

Last General Assembly a proposal was made to start selling new ETV sweaters to our members. Because our members wanted to have a say in the design, we made a design competiton. The winner of the competition will get his or her sweater with their own design for free! So if you want to walk around in your own sweater, this is what you need to do:

- Designs can be send in until sunday 13th of january to

- If possible, please make the design in Adobe Illustrator

- The ETV logo must be present somewhere on the sweater

- You can only use 1 colour and the sweater must be (ETV) red

The ETV logo in illustrator can be found on the shared folder for comitttee members. If you can not acces this folder please contact someone from the board, we can help you get it.

With enlightening regards,

Laurens Vergroesen

President of the 147th board of the Electrotechnische Vereeniging


Dear members,

It is an honour and pleasure to announce the third General Assembly on 17th of januari at 11:00 in the Studieverzameling.

The preliminary agenda is as follows:

1. Opening
2. Approval of the Definitive Agenda
3. Approval Minutes General Assembly 30 october 2018
4. Announcements
5. Mail
6. Education Announcements
7. Installation Rally
8. Installation Jaarboek
9. Installation Dies
10. Mutation Barcommissie
11. Mutation Tapcommissie
12. Mutation ViCie
13. Mutation Barcommissie
14. Mutation Homepage Commissie
15. Mutation Computer Commissie
16. Write off 142 AMIV geld
17. Installation en Budget Electrip
18. ETV sweater
19. Any Other Business
20. Survey
21. Closing

With kind regards,

Laurens Vergroesen

President of the 147th board of the Electrotechnische Vereeniging

Dear members,

It is an honour and pleasure to announce the second General Assembly on 7th of december at 11:00 in the Studieverzameling.

The preliminary agenda is as follows:

1. Opening
2. Approval of the Definitive Agenda
3. Approval Minutes General Assembly 30 october 2018
4. Announcements
5. Mail
6. Education Announcements
7. Presentation Discussion night
8. Installation Winter activity Committee
9. Mutation EESTEC LC Delft Board
10. ETV sweaters
11. Budget Weekend Committee
12. Budget Recruitment Days Committee
13. Mutation Barcommittee
14. Any Other Business
15. Survey
16. Closing

With kind regards,

Laurens Vergroesen

President of the 147th board of the Electrotechnische Vereeniging

Dear members,

Last General Assembly the 147th board officialy announced that the public version of the Board policy has been made available in the Boardroom. For everyone that could not make it then, physical copies can be obtained from the Board for viewing. They do have to stay inside the Boardroom, but can be asked for whenever we are present. By making this document available, we want to clarify what we want to do as a Board this year.

Kind regards,

Laurens Vergroesen

President of the 147th board of the Electrotechnische Vereeniging

Dear members,

I invite you all to the Discussion Night on 20 November 18:30 in the Snijderzaal. This night will be held because we as board want to make a change to the General Assembly. The goal is to make the General Assembly more substantive en not a formal obligation. Because the GA is so important we need your help and ideas on how to make it interesting.

At 18:00 we will make sure there is pizza as diner. Let us know beforehand if you want to eat with us and what kind of pizza you want on the list at the front desk.

Kind regards,

Laurens Vergroesen

President of the 147th board of the Electrotechnische Vereeniging

Dear members,

The General Assembly of 23 october will take place a week later on 30 oktober. The starting time will be the same, at 11:00 in the studieverzameling


With kind regards,

Laurens Vergroesen

President of the 147th board of the Electrotechnische Vereeniging