
As you can see the website just got a big update and a new layout! Are there any changes that hinder you in using the website please notify the Board of this. But first and foremost, enjoy the view!

The privacy statement has been updated. If you would like to find it and to read the changes, you can do so under the header contact.

The new maxwell now lies on your doorstep! If not, you can also read it under ETV -> Maxwell on the website. Enjoy spectacular stories about the faculty by former building head Jan van der Pol or in-depth articles about the artificial retina or data transport in radio astronomy. Read the maxwell! And don't forget to scan the qr code and let us know whether you still want to receive the printed maxwell at

With Fresh regards,

Simon Molenkamp | President ETV

Dear members,

The second General Assembly will take place at the /Pub wednesday 22nd of february from 11:00 onwards.

For the attendees, there will be a free drink afterwards.

The preliminary agenda is as follows:

  1. Opening
  2. Determining definitive agenda
  3. Approving minutes of the General Assembly of january 18
  4. Announcements
  5. Post
  6. Educational announcements
  7. Exploitation Dies 116
  8. Decharge Dies 116
  9. Exploitation EOW 40
  10. Decharge EOW 40
  11. Budget Rally
  12. Budget CodETV cantus
  13. Budget Batavierenrace
  14. Budget BBQ's
  15. Budget Dies 117
  16. Installation International tour committee
  17. Any other business
  18. Survey
  19. Closure

We look forward seeing you there.

With Fresh regards,

Simon Molenkamp

President of the 151st board of the Electrotechnische Vereeniging

Dear members,

The second General Assembly will take place at the /Pub Monday the 28th of november from 11:00 onwards.

For the attendees, there will be a free drink afterwards.

The preliminary agenda is as follows:

  1. Opening
  2. Determining definitive agenda
  3. Approving minutes of the General Assembly of november 28
  4. Announcements
  5. Post
  6. Educational announcements
  7. Exploitation Maxwell 25
  8. Decharge Maxwell 25
  9. Exploitation Rally
  10. Decharge RaCie
  11. Exploitation Lustrum
  12. Decharge Lustrum
  13. Exploitation EOW 40
  14. Decharge EOW 40
  15. Begroting pockies
  16. Installation Dies 117
  17. Installation RaCie
  18. Installation ZeilCie
  19. Any other business
  20. Survey
  21. Closure

We look forward seeing you there.

With Fresh regards,

Simon Molenkamp

President of the 151st board of the Electrotechnische Vereeniging

From today onwards and till the end of the academic year 2022/2023 the ETV has two new confidential advisors: Jorrit van Drie and Marijn Boringa.

The confidential advisors are there to help members of the ETV with undesirable behavior (such as aggression, violence, stalking, discrimination, bullying, and (sexual) intimidation), abuses, and violations of integrity (such as theft, conflicts of interest, and abuse of powers) within the Association. You can also go to confidential mentors with personal problems. These people have therefore received training to help you as best as possible and to offer support. The mentors are there to give a listening ear and treat the information confidentially. This means that conversations are never passed on, not even to the other confidential mentor. If something has happened within the ETV (or outside it) about which you want to talk to someone, you can always contact them. So also when in doubt: call, text, WhatsApp, mail or speak to them where others are not present. This also applies expressly if you see something happening, but do not want or dare to speak to the person about it.

You can read a small introduction about them under the header The ETV -> Confidential Advisors on this website. Their contact info and photo are also attached to this message.

M: +31643422081

M: +31655127902

Dear members,

The second General Assembly will take place at the /Pub Monday the 28th of november from 11:00 onwards.

For the attendees, there will be a free drink afterwards.

The definitive agenda is as follows:

  1. Opening
  2. Determining the definitive agenda
  3. Approving the minutes of the General Assembly of october 13
  4. Announcements
  5. Correspondence
  6. Education Announcements
  7. Mutation LoCo
  8. Mutation Archive
  9. Exploitation ZeilCie
  10. Exploitation Gala
  11. Gala compensation
  12. Exploitation Maxwell 24
  13. Decharge Maxwell
  14. Installation Maxwell
  15. Installation Electrip
  16. Location reveal Electrip
  17. Electrip Budget
  18. Maxwell 26 Budget
  19. Recruitment Days Budget
  20. Pockies
  21. Mutation KVC
  22. Mutation CoCo
  23. Mutation HoCo
  24. Mutation TapCo
  25. Decharge JaBo 63
  26. Decharge Dies 116
  27. Decharge Kobus Kuch
  28. Decharge FeeCie
  29. Decharge zAkCie
  30. Decharge StuntCie
  31. Decharge Gala
  32. Decharge ZeilCie
  33. Installation JaBo 64
  34. Installation Kobus Kuch
  35. Installation BaCo
  36. Installation FeeCie
  37. Installation wAkCie
  38. Installation SportCie
  39. Any other business
  40. Survey
  41. Closure


We look forward seeing you there.

With Fresh regards,

Simon Molenkamp

President of the 151st board of the Electrotechnische Vereeniging

The new maxwell is out now! It'll be falling on the doorstep of all ETV members shortly, so go check it out! The maxwell contains all kinds of interesting articles about the EE field and the ETV. Do you want to read about the transportation of the future, autonomously functioning drones or the history of the computer? Then by all means pick up the maxwell and start reading away! You can also find it on the website under ETV -> Maxwell!

With Fresh regards,

Simon Molenkamp 

President of the 151st Board of the Electrotechnische Vereeniging

The new Board has constituted itself on the 13th of september in the following order:

Simon Molenkamp - President

Joran Kroese - Secretary & Vice-President

Bart Zuidema - Treasurer

Maya Peeters - Commissioner of External affairs

Julie Diender - Commissioner of Education

Mirthe Otter - Commissioner of Career affairs

On behalf of the 151st Board of the Electrotechnische Vereeniging,

Simon Molenkamp,


Dear members,

The first General Assembly will take place at the studycollection on thursday the 13th of October at 14:00.

For the attendees, there will be a free beer afterwards.

The preliminary agenda is as follows:

  1. Opening
  2. Determining the definitive agenda
  3. Approving the minutes of the Yearly Assembly on the 12th & 13th of september
  4. Announcements
  5. Correspondence
  6. Education Announcements
  7. Installation Recruitment Days committee
  8. zAkCie mutation
  9. Annual financial report 2021/2022, by N. van Duivendijk
  10. IncluCie installation
  11. IceCo decharge
  12. DJ contract adaptation
  13. ZeilCie exploitation
  14. ZeilCie decharge
  15. Electrip exploitation
  16. Electrip decharge
  17. Dies exploitation
  18. Dies decharge
  19. Gala compensation 
  20. Speakerset boardroom
  21. Foundation for technics promotion
  22. Any other business
  23. Survey
  24. Closure


We look forward seeing you there.

With Fresh regards,

Simon Molenkamp

President of the 151st board of the Electrotechnische Vereeniging