
Dear members,

It is an honour and pleasure to announce the first General Assembly on the 30st of october at 11:00  in the Studieverzameling of EWI. The preliminary agenda is as follows:

1. Opening
2. Approval of the Definitive Agenda
3. Approval Minutes General Meeting 1 May 2018
4. Announcements
5. Mail
6. Education Announcements
7. Budget Commissioner of External Affairs
8. Installation and budget 22nd Maxwell committee
9. Installation Recruitment Days committee
10. Installation Lunch committee
11. Discharge ZeilCommissie
12. Installation Weekend committee
13. Installation Yearrepresentation
14. Mutation Party committee
15. Installation Winter Activity committee
16. Discharge 59th Yearbook committee
17. Financial results, report audit committee and discharge Electrip committee
18. Financial results, report audit committee and discharge Dies committee
19. Mutation Bar Committee
20. Any Other Business
21. Survey
22. Closing

With kind regards,

Laurens Vergroesen

President of the 147th board of the Electrotechnische Vereeniging

Dear members,

It's an honour and my true pleasure to announce that the sixth General Assembly, the Annual Assembly, of the 146th Board will take place on Monday the 10th and Tuesday the 11th of September. The meeting will start at 11.00 AM; the location is the Studieverzameling.

The preliminary agenda is as follows:

1. Opening
2. Approval of the definitive agenda
3. Approval of the minutes of the General Assembly d.d. June 7
4. Announcements
5. Mail
6. Education announcements
7. Mutation Archive committee
8. Mutation Homepage committee
9. Mutation Location committee
10. Mutation Ski trip committee
11. Mutation Computer committee
12. Financial results, report audit committee & discharge Maxwell committee
13. Financial results, report audit committee & discharge Electrip committee
14. Proposal to write off old debtors
15. Mutation Long term vision committee
16. Discharge Winter activities committee
17. Financial results, report audit committee & discharge Rally committee
18. Annual financial report over the financial year 2018, by W.A. Kayser
19. Budget for the financial year 2019, by W.A. Kayser
20. Discharge Evaluation committee 1
21. Discharge Evaluation committee 2
22. Discharge Inter-mastertrack committee
23. Installation Weekend committee
24. Mutation Pianotap committee
25. Installation Maxwell committee
26. Installation Study tour committee 2019
27. Mutation EESTEC LC Delft board
28. Mutation Bar committee
29. Presentation privacy policy of the Electrotechnische Vereeniging
30. Mutation Audit committee
The gentleman Varkevisser is proposed as candidate.
31. Financial results, report audit committee & discharge EESTEC committee
32. Financial results, report audit committee & discharge 59th Jaarboek committee
33. Financial results, report audit committee & discharge 112th Dies Natalis committee
34. Financial results, report audit committee & discharge Symposium committee
35. Annual education report over the year 2017/2018, by T.H.M. Roos
36. Annual secretarial report over the year 2017/2018, by T. Moree
37. Valedictorian speech A.W.G. Hunter, President of the 146th Board
38. Discharge of the 146th Board and installation of the 147th Board of the Electrotechnische Vereeniging

The following composition is proposed:
Laurens Vergroesen - President
Philip Groet - Secretary & Vice President

Willem de Laat - Treasurer
Franck Kerkhof - Commissioner of  External Affairs
Lotte Zwart - Commissioner of Education

39. Inaugural address President of the 147th Board
40. Any other business
41. Survey
42. Closing

I look forward to meeting you all in large numbers.

With Balanced regards,
On behalf of the 146th Board of the Electrotechnische Vereeniging,

William Hunter

Dear members,

The 146th Board of the Electrotechnische Vereeniging nominates the following persons as candidates for the 147th Board of the Electrotechnische Vereeniging.

Laurens Vergroesen - President
Philip Groet - Secretary & Vice President
Willem de Laat - Treasurer
Franck Kerkhof - Commissioner of External Affairs
Lotte Zwart - Commissioner of Education

Opposing candidates can be submitted to the Secretary until Wednesday the 11th of July, in accordance with the provisions of article 9, paragraph 2 of the Articles of Association.

William Hunter
President of the Electrotechnische Vereeniging

Dear members,

It's an honour and my true pleasure to announce that the fifth General Meeting of the 146th Board will take place on Thursday 7 June. The meeting will start at 12.00 PM; the location is the Studieverzameling.

The preliminary agenda is as follows:

1. Opening
2. Approval of the Definitve Agenda
3. Approval Mintues General Meeting of 1 May
4. Announcements
5. Mail
6. Education Announcements
7. Proposal audit committee
8. Installation Summer Activities Committee
9. Budget 36th EOW Committee
10. Budget Sailing Weekend Committee
11. Financial results, report audit committee & discharge Recruitment Days Committee
12. Mutation Bar Committee
13. Any Other Business
14. Survey
15. Closing

I look forward to meeting you all in large numbers.

With Balanced regards,
On behalf of the 146th Board of the Electrotechnische Vereeniging,

William Hunter

Dear members,

The General Meeting that had been planned for 24 April, is canceled. A new date has been set: one week later, Tuesday 1 May. The meeting will commence at 12.00 PM; the location is unchanged.

Dear members,

It's an honour and my true pleasure to announce that the fourth General Meeting of the 146th Board will take place on Tuesday 1 May. The meeting will start at 12.00 PM; the location is the Snijderszaal.

The preliminary agenda is as follows:

1. Opening
2. Approval of the Definitive Agenda
3. Approval Minutes General Meeting 29 March 2018
4. Announcements
5. Mail
6. Education Announcements
7. Installation 36th EOW Committee
8. Installation Stunt Committee
9. Installation Sail Weekend Committee
10. Budget 112th Dies Natalis Committee
11. Budget Symposium Committee
12. Any Other Business
13. Survey
14. Closing

I look forward to meeting you all in large numbers.

With Balanced regards,
On behalf of the 146th Board of the Electrotechnische Vereeniging,

William Hunter



The General Assembly of 29 March will take place, in contrast with previous messages, in the Studieverzameling. The meeting will commence at 11 o'clock.

Dear members,

The Board has decided to change the date of the third General Assembly. The date mentioned in the previous announcement, Tuesday the 6th of March, is hereby cancelled: the new date is Thursday the 29th of March. The meeting will start at 11 o'clock AM and the location will be announced in due time.

With Balanced regards,
On behalf of the Board of the Electrotechnische Vereeniging,

William Hunter

Dear members,

It's an honour and my true pleasure to announce that the third General Assembly of the 146th Board will take place on Thursday the 29th of March. The meeting will start at 11.00 AM; the location is the Studieverzameling.

The preliminary agenda is as follows:

1. Opening
2. Approval of the Definitive Agenda
3. Approval Minutes General Assembly 9th of January
4. Announcements
5. Mail
6. Education announcements
7. Installation 112th Dies Natalis Committee
8. Installation & Budget Rally Committee
9. Installation Honorary Members of the Board
10. Budget 59th Yearbook Committee
11. Budget EESTEC Committee
12. Mutation Bar Committee
13. Mutation Klushok Committee
14. Mutation FEE
15. Semi-Annual Financial Report
16. Financial Results & Discharge 35th EOW Committee
17. Proposal Klushok Committee
18. Installation Case Tour Committee
19. Mutation Computer Committee
20. Any Other Business
21. Survey
22. Closing

I look forward to meeting you all in large numbers.

With Balanced regards,
On behalf of the 146th Board of the Electrotechnische Vereeniging,

William Hunter

We deplore to announce that has passed away at an age of 89

Em. prof. ir. Jan de Haas


Emeritus Professor Delft University of Technology
Honorary Member of the Electrotechnische Vereeniging
Officer in the Order of Orange-Nassau

Zaandam, July 4, 1928 - Voorburg, December 29, 2017


Since 1981 the Electrotechnische Vereeniging has had the honour of having Mr. De Haas as Honorary Member. Our thoughts go to all involved.


The Vereeniging is in a period of mourning until Friday 12th of January. The planned activities will continue as usual.