
Dear members,

The second general assembly will take place in the /Pub monday 11th of september from 11:00 onwards.

For the attendees there will be free drinks afterwards at the constitution drinks at Paviljoen.

The definitive agenda is as follows:

  1. Opening
  2. Determining definitive agenda
  3. Approving minutes of the General Assembly of June 5th
  4. Announcements
  5. Post
  6. Educational Announcements
  7. Installation WiSpo committee
  8. Financial yearly report over the year 2022-2023, by B. Zuidema
  9. Budget over the year 2023-2024, by J. Aantjes
  10. Batavierenrace exploitation
  11. BaCo decharge
  12. Electrip exploitation
  13. Electrip decharge
  14. Maxwell exploitation
  15. Maxwell decharge
  16. Rally exploitation
  17. RaCie decharge
  18. Sailing weekend exploitation
  19. ZeilCie decharge
  20. ETV Cantus exploitation
  21. Honorary members chair installation exploitation
  22. CODETV beach party exploitation
  23. Ereledenlintjes budget
  24. AV penningen budget
  25. RPF compensation budget
  26. Snacks compensation budget
  27. Financial division memberfee DelftSEA
  28. Bylaws change proposal
  29. House policy change proposal
  30. Secretarial yearly report over the year 2022-2023, by J.F.A. Kroese
  31. Educational yearly report over the year 2022-2023, by J. Diender
  32. Decharge speech
  33. Decharge of the 151st Board and installation of the 152nd Board
  34. Inaugural speech
  35. Switch dinner
  36. Any Other Business
  37. Survey
  38. Closing

With Fresh Regards,

Simon Molenkamp

President of the 151st Board of the Electrotechnische Vereeniging

Dear members,

The minutes of the Honorary Chairman Installation are now on the site under for members-> minutes. It was a very beautiful day, I recommend you to read the speeches! The photos and video material will also appear on the site soon!

With fresh greetings,

Simon Molenkamp | President of the 151st Board of the Electrotechnical Association.

Dear members,

The minutes of GA 6 are now on the website under for members-> minutes. Read them carefully to be well prepared for the yearly assembly!

Fresh Regards,

Simon Molenkamp | President of the 151st Board of the Electrotechnische Vereeniging

Dear members,

The second general assembly will take place in the /Pub monday 5th of june from 11:000 onwards.

For the attendees there will be a free drink afterwards.

The definitive agenda is as follows:

  1. Opening
  2. Determining definitive agenda
  3. Approving minutes of the General Assembly of april 5th
  4. Announcements
  5. Post
  6. Educational Announcements
  7. Exploitation Recruitment Days 2023
  8. Vote on Honorary Chairman suggestion J. van der Pol suggested by the Board
  9. Installation extraordinary member S. Schieven
  10. Budget EOW
  11. Budget Honorary members chair installation
  12. Budget ETV Cantus
  13. Budget CODETV beachparty
  14. Mutation HoCo
  15. Mutation CoCo
  16. Decharge Recruitment Days committee
  17. Decharge ViCie
  18. Decharge Barkeepers
  19. Decharge EvaCie 2
  20. Decharge EvaCie 3
  21. Mutation Klushok
  22. Mutation OOC
  23. Decharge WiSpo
  24. Decharge JaBo 62
  25. Mutation Archive
  26. Any Other Business
  27. Survey
  28. Closing

With Fresh Regards,

Simon Molenkamp

President of the 151st Board of the Electrotechnische Vereeniging

Dear members,

The 151st Board of the Electrotechnische Vereeniging introduces you to the candidate Board for the 152nd Board of the Electrotechnische Vereeniging.

  1. Hein Schröder - President
  2. Wessel de Vries - Secretary
  3. Joep Aantjes - Treasurer
  4. Mali Barends - Commissioner of External Affairs
  5. Guus Rekers - Commissioner of Education & Vice-President
  6. Inge Schmidt - Commissioner of Career

On behalf of the 151st Board of the Electrotechnische Vereeniging,

Simon Molenkamp,


Dear members,

The minutes of the 5th general assembly of this year are now on the website. You can see them now under the header members -> minutes.

With Fresh Regards,

Simon Molenkamp

President of the 151st Board of the Electrotechnische Vereeniging

Dear members,

The second General Assembly will take place at the /Pub wednesday 5th of april from 11:00 onwards.

For the attendees, there will be a free drink afterwards.

The preliminary agenda is as follows:

  1. Opening
  2. Determining definitive agenda
  3. Approving minutes of the General Assembly of february 22nd
  4. Announcements
  5. Post
  6. Educational announcements
  7. Half yearly financial report by B. Zuidema
  8. Exploitation Lustrum Merchandise 
  9. Exploitation Rally 11
  10. Budget Sailing Weekend
  11. Mandate EOW expenses
  12. Termination of volkskrant
  13. Decharge wAkCie
  14. Mutation IncluCie
  15. Mutation KVC
  16. Installation zAkCie
  17. Installation EOW
  18. Installation of the 150th Board as Honorary members of Board
  19. Any Other Business
  20. Survey
  21. Closure

We look forward to seeing you there.

With Fresh regards,

Simon Molenkamp

President of the 151st board of the Electrotechnische Vereeniging

The privacy statement of the ETV has been altered. If you want to read it you can find it under contact -> privacystatement.

As you can see the website just got a big update and a new layout! Are there any changes that hinder you in using the website please notify the Board of this. But first and foremost, enjoy the view!